2023 Ecosystem Report Data Set

The 2023 Z-Wave Ecosystem Report complete data set is 145-pages of data on both Z-Wave and other smart home standards found in the UK, France, and Germany. These are three large markets for the smart home, but each country has their own nuances to consumer behavior and perspectives on security, comfort, energy savings, as well as purchase channels, installation, and brand loyalty. The complete data set, which answers both business and research questions as compiled by Interpret for the Z-Wave Alliance, is available to non-members for $2500.  

To download the 2023 Ecosystem Report free of charge, click here

Business case:

       What is the current state of demand for Z-Wave enabled smart home products? Is it increasing and at what rate? How does demand for Z-Wave enabled smart home products in the UK, France, and Germany compare with the U.S. and other parts of the world (based on last year’s survey)?

       What are the use cases for low-power sensor devices that most strongly drive adoption, and how do those use cases vary when comparing the three target countries?

       What are the home control preferences for use and application of specific smart home devices? What are the usage pain points and remedies?

       What is the importance of interoperability to buyers and how does it impact satisfaction? How aware and interested are consumers in Matter-enabled products? 

Research questions:

       Quantify product demand: Determine the current adoption, growth rate, and purchase intentions of the most important Z-Wave enabled product categories and systems in the three target countries.

       Identify top use cases for sensors: Identify pain points in the smart home user experience that involve the use of low power sensors. Determine if these use cases vary between countries. Determine the relative pain points or the needs being addressed compared to other smart home use cases.

       Identify top use cases and preferences for core products: What are the preferences, use cases, and potential improvements that may impact the adoption of Z-Wave enabled products. 

       Quantify interoperability: Determine awareness and importance of interoperability and how it impacts purchase intentions.

       Preferred providers: Determine which providers are perceived as the most likely to successfully deliver the interoperable smart home. What purchase channels are favored for a set of products?

By joining the Z-Wave Alliance as a member, the complete data set (valued at $2500 USD) is available with your membership. Inquire at

Members can download the data set for free here.

Non-members can purchase a digital download of the data set for $2500 USD by filling out the form below and paying with a credit card using the link provided after you submit this form. 

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